


In 2017 Ignacio de las Cuevas, the parent company of Grupo Cuevas and the company dedicated to food distribution, implemented its first Equality Plan with the aim of paving the way for the full and effective integration of women and men. At that time, 70 measures were collected that, within eight large areas of intervention, have served, for example, to continue balancing work centers and reinforce the commitment to intervene in those work areas that are very masculinized on some occasions, or very feminized in others.
A Joint Commission coordinated by the director of Human Resources and People Development of Grupo Cuevas, María José Fernández Robledo, as well as representatives of the company and the works council, has been in charge of its progress and compliance.
Fernández Robledo highlights that, “from this plan we can highlight that the number of female internal promotions has increased progressively, which started from a value close to 59% and has reached 65% in the last record. Something similar happens with the female employment stability rate which, in 2020, started at a value of 78.3% and now exceeds 83%, advancing above 6%”.
Ignacio de las Cuevas now endorses a new Equality Plan 21-24 that allows us to continue taking steps to guarantee total equality of opportunities between women and men who carry out their work in the organization. In the words of Artur Yuste, "the gender of people has not been an element of inequality in the remuneration of Grupo Cuevas for a long time, because all people receive the same salary in equivalent positions and our mission must be to continue on the path until we achieve real equality in all areas of the company”.

The new Plan, which includes 98 measures aimed at achieving more than twenty objectives, will be implemented gradually over the next three years. It contemplates, within its immediate actions, the implementation of a selection, hiring and promotion protocol aimed at all those people in the company who take part in selection processes. This protocol guarantees equality between women and men when it comes to accessing a position and being selected or selected or so that both people are considered in the same way for a promotion in the company.

As part of the measures of the 21-24 plan, we find the promotion of measures that facilitate the compatibility of working time with personal and family life, encouraging its use also by male personnel. Promote the professional promotion of women by designing information and motivation programs to promote the participation of female workers in internal promotion processes or raise awareness and train staff on equal opportunities and harassment. All those measures aimed at the protection of victims of gender violence have a specific weight, taking into account, for example, those specific needs for conciliation that facilitate the exercise of their job. Ignacio de las Cuevas specifies in his Plan the dissemination and communication of the different permits, rights and existing conciliation measures, encouraging their use among the male workforce, thus promoting the principle of co-responsibility in family responsibilities and care.

In the short term, the support protocol for female workers who are victims of gender violence will also be implemented, as well as a company declaration of zero tolerance against harassment. In turn, the Protocol against sexual harassment, harassment based on sex and moral harassment implemented in the company in November 2016 is also consolidated.